Contact details +64 (06) 356 9099

Dr Marjorie Lipsham MA, PDip, PhD

Senior Lecturer Hauora

Te Putahi-a-Toi



  • Master of Philosophy - Massey University (2017)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Arts - Massey University (2015)
  • Doctor of Philosophy - Massey University (2022)

Research Projects

Current Projects

Project Title: He Rau Tauwhiro: The place of kaitiaki in contemporary Māori realities

'He Rau Tauwhiro: The place of kaitiaki in contemporary Māori realities', builds on my doctoral work on Kaitiakitanga (Beverland 2022). Kaitiaki are considered spiritual beings and guardians who are relations to Māori through whakapapa. They take the form of birds, mountains, rivers, taniwha, atua, tūpuna or other manifestations such as trees. Concentrating on non-human forms, this research will investigate kaitiaki within iwi and their contribution to environmental and human health and wellbeing. Participants in the original study highlighted that kaitiaki provide tohu (signs, messages) that guide one in terms of protection, wellbeing, and the provision of safety and support. This research intends to inquire into kaitiaki understandings from iwi perspectives, specifically concentrating on how kaitiaki inform our experiences and understanding of the environment. This research finds additional urgency when considering the scale and impact of the current climate events across Aotearoa NZ. Focusing on non-human kaitiaki, located in the metaphysical and physical realms, is novel is terms of the written archive. No consolidated written research has brought together iwi understandings. A Kaupapa Māori methodology informs this study, and its principles as written by Smith (1999) will frame the research. Mātauranga will be incorporated, used and understood as a central focus of the research and its findings. Only Māori within iwi will be invited to participate in this research.
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Date Range: 2024 - 2028

Funding Body: Royal Society of New Zealand

Project Team:

Research Outputs


Lipsham, M. (2023). Taiao and Mauri Ora: Māori understandings of the environment and its connection to wellbeing. MAI Journal. 12(2), 181-181 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Lipsham, M.
Lipsham, M. (2020). Matauranga-a-Whanau: Constructing a methodological approach centred on whanau purakau. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work. 32(3), 17-29 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Lipsham, M.
Lipsham, M., & Pihama, L. (2020). Noho Haumaru: Reflecting on Māori approaches to staying safe during Covid-19 in Aotearoa (New Zealand). Journal of Indigenous Social Development. 9(3), 92-101 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Lipsham, M.


Pihama, L., Smith, LT., Raumati, N., Dickson, P., Cameron, A., & Lipsham, M. (Eds.) (2023). Taku Kuia e: Honouring our grandmothers. Taranaki, New Zealand: Tū Tama Wahine o Taranaki
[Edited Book]Edited by: Lipsham, M.
Lipsham, M. (2023). Te Tuakiritanga: Navigating our inner being toward Mauri Ora. In LT. Smith, & L. Pihama (Eds.) Ora : Healing Ourselves - Indigenous Knowledge, Healing and Wellbeing. Wellington, New Zealand: Huia Publishers
[Chapter]Authored by: Lipsham, M.
Pihama, L., Cameron-Raumati, N., & Beverland, M. (2023). Whenua ora Tangata Ora. In L. Pihama, & LT. Smith (Eds.) Ora : healing ourselves : indigenous knowledge, healing and wellbeing. Wellington, New Zealand: Huia Publishers
[Chapter]Contributed to by: Lipsham, M.
Lipsham, M., Pihama, L., Greensill, H., Cameron-Raumati, N., Smith, LT., Dickson, P., . . . Cameron, A. (Eds.) (2022). ). Poipoia Ngā Tamariki: Māori proverbial sayings related to nurturing children.. Taranaki, New Zealand
[Edited Book]Edited by: Lipsham, M.
Lipsham, M., Opai, K., Aterea, M., Raumati, N., Pihama, L., & Cameron, A. (Eds.) (2022). Whakawai: A Collection of Taranaki Proverbial Sayings. Taranaki, New Zealand: Tū Tama Wahine o Taranaki
[Edited Book]Edited by: Lipsham, M.
Lipsham, M. (2022). Mātauranga-ā-Whānau: Intergenerational knowledge transmission through whānau pūrākau. In L. Pihama, & J. Lee-Morgan (Eds.) Tiakina te PaHarakeke: Ancestral Knowledge and Tamariki Wellbeing. (pp. 111 - 124). Wellington, Aotearoa/New Zealand: Huia Publishers
[Chapter]Authored by: Lipsham, M.


Johnson-Jennings, M., Simmonds, N., Pihama, L., & Lipsham, M.(2021, May). Walk The Talk of Our Ancestors: Indigenous Methodologies & Intergenerational Transmission. .
[Conference]Authored by: Lipsham, M.
Lipsham, M., Pihama, L., Simmonds, N., & Johnson-Jennings, M. (2020). Indigenous Methodologies And Collective Co-Production. , NAISA 2020
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Lipsham, M.