Richard Edmonds

Doctor of Philosophy, (Bioprocess Engineering)
Study Completed: 2009
College of Sciences


Thesis Title
Proteolytic depilation of lambskins

Read article at Massey Research Online: MRO icon

Mr Edmonds’ research focused on the processes of dewooling and damage that occur during enzymatic depilation. The major flaws of this depilation system were found to be variability in depilatory effectiveness across the skin and damage to the more easily depilated regions. Mr Edmonds found that while reducing the variability in depilation across the skin enhanced the evenness of the depilation process it did not eliminate damage caused by exposure to the enzyme. The damage was found to result from the removal of minor collagen components. A successful enzyme depilation system therefore requires the use of a broad spectrum protease which has no activity against these minor proteins, especially collagen VI. The means of selecting such a protease was developed by adopting a micro depilation assay incorporating immunohistology. This knowledge will enable the future development of non-damaging enzyme depilatory reagents that could revolutionise the leather industry. Ms Engelbrecht examined the information systems used by three New Zealand Primary Health Organisations and their member GP practices, determining how they are used to support clinical decision making and exploring attitudes to their use.

Professor John Bronlund
Associate Professor Gill Norris
Professor Yusuf Chisti
Dr Timothy Allsop