Lisa Vonk

School of Humanities, Media and Creative Communication
College of Humanities & Social Sciences


Thesis Title
Connected older citizens: Ageing in place and digitally mediated care in a culture of connectivity

Research Description
My research aims to elucidate the impact of networked, digital information and communication technologies (ICTs) on the provision of care to older people living in the community. These ICTs are often marketed and developed in accordance with a labour-saving rhetoric. They aim to make care more sustainable by reducing or replacing the fiscal, emotional and physical costs of caring for an ageing population. Yet ICT interventions in actuality simply redistribute the responsibilities and costs of supporting the (Western) older person to age well in the community. I hope to shed light on the new actors, practices and relationships that are introduced by such interventions, and to elucidate how these relate to broader inequalities of care (based on age, race, class, gender, and geography).

Personal Description
Lisa Vonk is a PhD student and tutor in the School of English and Media at Massey University. Her research broadly considers the social and environmental impact of networked information and communication technologies. As a tutor, Lisa has a passion for the online mode of learning, and has worked on a number of internal and external papers including 154.101 Introduction to Media Studies, 154.201 Television Studies, 230210 Tū Rangaranga, and 154.302 Gender and Race in the Media. She is a member of the Massey University Political Ecology Research Centre.

Dr Sy Taffel
Associate Professor Ian Goodwin
Associate Professor Mary Breheny


Vonk, L. (2017). Paying attention to waste: Circular economies in an Information Age. Paper presented at the 2017 meeting of the Cultural Studies Association of Australasia, Wellington.

Vonk, L. (2018). Paying attention to waste: Apple’s circular economy. Continuum, 32(6), 745-757.

Vonk, L. (2018). The digital village: Constance Hall, white femininity, and mothering online.Paper presented at the 2018 meeting of The Popular Culture Association of Australia and New Zealand, Auckland.

Vonk, L. A. (2019). The woke white Queen: Constance Hall and Mummy blogging as a case study in anti-racialism. Journal of Asia-Pacific Pop Culture4(2), 129-148.

Vonk, L. (2019). Health labour in the digital age: Making new ways of caring visible. Paper presented at the 2019 meeting of the Cultural Studies Association of Australasia, Brisbane.

Vonk, L. (2020). Who bears the burden of networked, digital innovations in community care for the older person? Poster to be presented at the 2020 meeting of the Centre for International Research on Care, Labour and Equalities.