Janak Adhikari

Doctor of Philosophy, (Information Technology)
Study Completed: 2018
College of Sciences


Thesis Title
Bring Your Own Devices Classroom: Issues of Digital Divides in Teaching and Learning Contexts

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The increasing penetration and usage of digital technologies in the educational sector has brought about innovative pedagogical practices, but has also led to different nature of digital divides in the learning process. Mr Adhikari investigated a bring your own device classroom initiative in a secondary school in New Zealand across three levels of digital divide, namely access divide, capability divide and outcome divide in formal and informal learning spaces. The findings reveal that technology integration in schools must address equity in learning outcomes beyond just access and skills to build learner self-efficacy. A combination of information literacy, critical thinking ability and motivation builds self-efficacy, which subsequently influences affordances in social cognitive abilities related to the individual’s learning activities affecting how learners engage and apply technology to shape their learning outcomes. His research provided an analytical lens for evaluating technology initiatives in schools in our ongoing quest for bringing about an inclusive digital transformation.

Associate Professor Anuradha Mathrani
Professor Chris Scogings