College of Humanities and Social Sciences staff

Dr Gareth Terry staff profile picture

Contact details +6469516081

Dr Gareth Terry BA, BT, MA, PhD

Senior Lecturer in Critical Health Psychology

Doctoral Supervisor
School of Psychology

I am broadly interested in the intersections of gender, bodies, and health. My research has explored men’s sexual and reproductive health and decision-making, and men’s embodiment and experiences of illness, injury, and body modification. I have also been involved in research exploring the decision to be ‘childfree’ (for men and women), sexual consent practices (and implications of these for sexual violence), reproductive health in mid-life, and most recently work in rehabilitation, disability and access (informed by critical rehabilitation studies).

I teach about qualitative methods (especially reflexive TA) in university courses and through workshops (online and in person). I have written a number of chapters related to qualitative methods, with various combinations of Virginia Braun, Victoria Clarke, and Nikki Hayfield. I am co-author with Nikki of Essentials of Thematic Analysis, which is part of The Essentials of Qualitative Methods Series from the American Psychological Association.

I am a critical health psychologist interested in research and theorising the intersections of gender, bodies, and health - especially as they related to men and masculinities. I teach on the Health Psychology programme at Massey at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. I use qualitative methods in my work, and am invested in enhancing understanding of qualitative research tools through my wirting and workshops.

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  • Bachelor of Arts (Conjoint) - University of Auckland (2002)
  • Bachelor of Theology (Conjoint) - University of Auckland (2002)
  • Master of Arts with First Class Honours in Psychology - University of Auckland (2007)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology - University of Auckland (2010)

Certifications and Registrations

  • Licence, Supervisor, Massey University

Research Expertise

Research Interests

Men and masculinities

Men's health


Chronic health condtions


Person-centred care


Health and Well-being

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Gender Psychology (170105): Health, Clinical and Counselling Psychology (170106): Psychological Methodology, Design and Analysis (170110): Psychology (170100): Psychology And Cognitive Sciences (170000): Social and Community Psychology (170113)

Research Outputs


Rosin, M., Mackay, S., Gerritsen, S., Te Morenga, L., Terry, G., & Ni Mhurchu, C. (2024). Barriers and facilitators to implementation of healthy food and drink policies in public sector workplaces: a systematic literature review.. Nutrition Reviews. 82(4), 503-535 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Te Morenga, L., Terry, G.
Hempel, C., Sezier, A., & Terry, G. (2023). What helps or hinders clinicians in their decision-making processes when using or prescribing mhealth apps in practice? An exploratory study. New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy. 46(2), 73-78 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
McAulay, L., Fadyl, J., & Terry, G. (2023). Effective teams in vocational rehabilitation: An exploration of complexities and practice in Aotearoa-New Zealand. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. 33(3), 518-527 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Lewis, GN., Shaikh, N., Wang, G., Chaudhary, S., Bean, D., & Terry, G. (2023). Chinese and Indian interpretations of pain: A qualitative evidence synthesis to facilitate chronic pain management. Pain Practice. 23(6), 647-663 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Upsdell, A., Fia'ali'i, J., Lewis, GN., & Terry, G. (2023). Health and illness beliefs regarding pain and pain management of New Zealand resident Sāmoan community leaders: A qualitative interpretive study based on Pasifika paradigms. Health Promotion Journal of Australia. Early View, Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Nicholas, L., Newman, CE., Botfield, JR., Terry, G., Bateson, D., & Aggleton, P. (2021). Men and masculinities in qualitative research on vasectomy: Perpetuation or progress?. Health Sociology Review. 30(2), 127-142 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Gibson, BE., Fadyl, JK., Terry, G., Waterworth, K., Mosleh, D., & Kayes, NM. (2021). A posthuman decentring of person-centred care. Health Sociology Review. 30(3), 292-307 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G., & Kayes, N. (2019). Person centered care in neurorehabilitation: A secondary analysis. Disability and Rehabilitation. 42(16), 2334-2343 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Sezier, AEI., Saywell, N., Terry, G., Taylor, D., & Kayes, N. (2019). Working-age adults' perspectives on living with persistent postural-perceptual dizziness: A qualitative exploratory study. BMJ Open. 9(4), Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Gibson, BE., Terry, G., Setchell, J., Bright, FAS., Cummins, C., & Kayes, NM. (2019). The micro-politics of caring: Tinkering with person-centered rehabilitation. Disability and Rehabilitation. 42(11), 1529-1538 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Czuba, KJ., Kersten, P., Anstiss, D., Kayes, NM., Gabbe, BJ., Civil, I., . . . Siegert, RJ. (2019). Incidence and outcomes of major trauma in New Zealand: Findings from a feasibility study of New Zealand's first national trauma registry. New Zealand Medical Journal. 132(1494), 26-40 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Hayfield, N., Terry, G., Clarke, V., & Ellis, S. (2019). “Never say never?” Heterosexual, bisexual, and lesbian women’s accounts of being childfree. Psychology of Women Quarterly. 43(4), 526-538 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G., Braun, V., Jayamaha, S., & Madden, H. (2018). Negotiating the hairless ideal in Āotearoa/New Zealand: Choice, awareness, complicity, and resistance in younger women's accounts of body hair removal. Feminism & Psychology. 28(2), 272-291 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Clarke, V., Hayfield, N., Ellis, SJ., & Terry, G. (2018). Lived experiences of childfree lesbians in the UK: A qualitative exploration. Journal of Family Issues. 39(18), 4133-4155 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Ward, MRM., Tarrant, A., Terry, G., Featherstone, B., Robb, M., & Ruxton, S. (2017). Doing gender locally: The importance of ‘place’ in understanding marginalised masculinities and young men’s transitions to ‘safe’ and successful futures. The Sociological Review. 65(4) Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Beres, MA., Terry, G., Senn, CY., & Ross, LK. (2017). Accounting for men’s refusal of heterosex: A story-completion study with young adults. Journal of Sex Research. 56(1), 127-136 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G., & Braun, V. (2016). "I think gorilla-like back effusions of hair are rather a turn-off": 'Excessive hair' and male body hair (removal) discourse.. Body Image. 17
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Tarrant, A., Terry, G., Ward, M., Ruxton, S., Robb, M., & Featherstone, B. (2015). Are male role models really the solution? Interrogating the ‘war on boys’ through the lens of the ‘male role model’ discourse. Boyhood Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal. 8(1) Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G. (2015). Elizabeth F. Fideler, Men Still at Work: Professionals Over Sixty and On the Job, Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, Maryland and Plymouth, UK, 2014, 232 pp., hbk US $36.00,£ 22.95, ISBN 13: 978 1 4422 2275 5.. Ageing and Society. 35(2) Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G. (2014). "Suddenly, bang, one day there's commitment with a woman…” Men, vasectomy and the life course. Human Fertility. 17(3) Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Towns, A., & Terry, G. (2014). “You’re in that realm of unpredictability”: Mateship, loyalty and men challenging men who use domestic violence against women. Violence against women. 20(8) Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G., & Braun, V. (2013). “We have friends, for example, and he will not get a vasectomy”: Imagining the self in relation to others when talking about sterilization. Health Psychology. 32(1) Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G. (2013). Kampf, A., Marshall, B. and Peterson, A (Eds.). Aging, Men, Masculinities and Modern Medicine, Abingdon: Routledge. 2013. x+ 208pp (hbk) ISBN: 0‐415‐69938‐0. Sociology of Health and Illness. Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G., & Braun, V. (2013). To let hair be, or to not let hair be? Gender and body hair removal practices in Aotearoa/New Zealand. Body Image. 10(4) Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G. (2012). ‘I’m putting a lid on that desire’: Celibacy, choice and control. Sexualities. 15(7) Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G., & Braun, V. (2012). Sticking My Finger up at Evolution: Unconventionality, Selfishness, and Choice in the Talk of Men Who have had ‘‘Preemptive’’Vasectomies. Men and Masculinities. 15(3) Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G., Braun, V., & Farvid, P. (2012). Structural impediments to sexual health in New Zealand: Key informant perspectives. Sexuality Research and Social Policy. 9(4)
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G., & Braun, V. (2011). ‘I’m committed to her and the family’: positive accounts of vasectomy among New Zealand men. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology. 29(3) Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G. (2011). Brendan Gough and Steve Robertson (eds): Men, Masculinities and Health: Critical Perspectives Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010, 272 pp. £60.00. ISBN 9780230203112 (hbk); £21.99. ISBN 9780230203129 (pbk). Feminism & Psychology. 21(4) Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G., & Braun, V. (2011). It's kind of me taking responsibility for these things’: Men, vasectomy and ‘contraceptive economies. Feminism & Psychology. 21(4) Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G., Braun, V., Gavey, N., & Fenaughty, J. (2009). ‘Risk’and sexual coercion among gay and bisexual men in Aotearoa/New Zealand–key informant accounts. Culture, health & sexuality. 11(2) Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G. (2009). ‘When I was a bastard’: constructions of maturity in men's accounts of masculinity. Journal of Gender Studies. 18(2) Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Alder, G., Taylor, D., Rashid, U., Olsen, S., Brooks, T., Terry, G., . . . Signal, N.A BCI Neuromodulatory Device for Stroke Rehabilitation: An Iterative User-centred Design Approach (Preprint). JMIR Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies. Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.


Reay, S., Khoo, C., Terry, G., Collier, G., Dallas, T., & Smith, V.(2023). Are you making a meal out of research? A recipe for research success. : Routledge
[Authored Book]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G., & Hayfield, N.(2021). Essentials of thematic analysis. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association
[Authored Book]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G., & Hayfield, N. (2020). Reflexive thematic analysis. In MRM. Ward, & S. Delamont (Eds.) Handbook of qualitative research in education. (pp. 430 - 441). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing
[Chapter]Authored by: Terry, G.
Braun, V., Clarke, V., Hayfield, N., & Terry, G. (2019). Thematic analysis. In P. Liamputtong (Ed.) Handbook of research methods in health and social sciences. (pp. 843 - 860). Singapore: Springer
[Chapter]Authored by: Terry, G.
Braun, V., Clarke, V., Hayfield, N., & Terry, G. (2018). Thematic analysis. In P. Liamputtong (Ed.) Handbook of research methods in health social sciences. (pp. 1 - 18). : Springer Singapore
[Chapter]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G., & Braun, V. (2017). Short but often sweet: The surprising potential of qualitative survey methods. In V. Braun, V. Clarke, & D. Gray (Eds.) Innovative Qualitative Research. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
[Chapter]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G., Hayfield, N., Clarke, V., & Braun, V. (2017). Thematic analysis. In C. Willig, & W. Stainton-Rogers (Eds.) The SAGE handbook of qualitative research in psychology. (pp. 17 - 37). London: SAGE Publications
[Chapter]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G. (2016). Doing thematic analysis. In E. Lyons, & A. Coyle (Eds.) Analysing Qualitative Data in Psychology, 2nd edition. London: SAGE
[Chapter]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G. (2015). Vasectomy. In P. Whelehan, & A. Bolin (Eds.) The International Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality.
[Chapter]Authored by: Terry, G.
Braun, V., Clarke, V., & Terry, G. (2014). Thematic Analysis. In P. Rohleder, & AC. Lyons (Eds.) Qualitative Research in Clinical and Health Psychology. (pp. 95 - 113). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
[Chapter]Authored by: Terry, G.


Terry, G.Critical upgrade required: Men accounting for ‘maturity’ in long-term relationships. (Master's Thesis)
[Masters Thesis]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G.Celibacy among New Zealand men: Disrupting the Sexual Imperative?. (Master's Thesis)
[Masters Thesis]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G.“It’s such a pathetic little operation”: Men, masculinities and vasectomy in New Zealand. (Master's Thesis)
[Masters Thesis]Authored by: Terry, G.


Terry, G., Collier, G., Cummins, C., & Kayes, N.(2020). Upside Youth Mentoring Aotearoa: A thematic analysis of routinely collected interviews with mentors, young people and young people's whānau. Auckland, New Zealand
[Technical Report]Authored by: Terry, G.
Baudinet, O., Walters, S., & Terry, G.(2018). Accessibility report - AUT fitness centres. AUT
[Technical Report]Authored by: Terry, G.
Czuba, K., Anstiss, D., Kersten, P., Rohan, M., Terry, G., Kayes, N., . . . Siegert, R.(2017). Outcomes after trauma study. Auckland, New Zealand
[Technical Report]Authored by: Terry, G.


Bean, D., Morunga, E., Tuahine, K., Hohepa, K., Lewis, G., Ripia, D., . . . Terry, G.(2023, May). Kaumātua insights into Indigenous Māori approaches to pain management: A qualitative study. New Zealand Medical Journal. 136 (1577)(pp. 103 - 104). 1175-8716. Retreived from
[Conference]Authored by: Terry, G.
Kehrwald, B., Nguyen, N., Chanane, N., Sim, KN., Eberhard, S., Winters, A., . . . Terry, G.(2022, May). Applications of networked learning to the support of learning and teaching in higher education. Proceedings for the Thirteenth International Conference on Networked Learning. (pp. 514 - 515). Retreived from
[Conference]Authored by: Terry, G.
Dixon, TW., O'Brien, DW., Terry, G., Baldwin, JN., Ruakere, T., Mekkelholt, T., . . . Larmer, PJ. (2021). The lived experiences of ngā tāne Māori with hip and knee osteoarthritis. New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy. Vol. 49 (pp. 127 - 133). : New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Terry, G.
Kersten, P., Czuba, K., Anstiss, D., Maheswaran, R., Smith, G., Kayes, N., . . . Siegert, R.(2018, July). Predictors of disability outcome after major trauma. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. 61 (Suppl.)(pp. e122 - e122). 1877-0657. Retreived from
[Conference]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G., & Anstiss, D.(2017, July). Men in and out of health - Men’s experiences of embodiment within rehabilitative care. ISCHP 2017 10th Biennial Conference: Abstracts. (pp. 72 - 72).
[Conference]Authored by: Terry, G.


Lewis, G., Shaikh, N., Wang, G., Chaudhary, S., Bean, D., & Terry, G. (2023). Chinese and Indian views of pain and pain management: A qualitative evidence synthesis.
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Lewis, G., Morunga, E., Tuck, N., Stephens, H., Terry, G., Bean, D., . . . Hodge, A-L. (2023). The development of a tool to assess chronic mamae (pain) for Māori.
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Alder, G., Taylor, D., Rashid, U., Olsen, S., Brooks, T., Terry, G., . . . Signal, N. (2023). Iterative User-centred Design of Rehabilitation Technology: A Wearable BCI Neuromodulatory Device for Stroke Rehabilitation (Accepted In Press).
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Lewis, G., Stephens, H., Tuck, N., Morunga, E., Terry, G., Haar, J., . . . Bean, D. (2023). Development of a culturally informed tool to assess chronic pain for Māori: The Pictorial Representation of Illness and Self Measure-Aotearoa (PRISM-A).
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Christine, O., Rice, D., Michal, K., Terry, G., & Biswas, R. (2023). Home-based EEG neurofeedback for the treatment of chronic migraine: A mixed methods case report..
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Morunga, E., Bean, D., Tuahine, K., Hohepa, K., Lewis, G., Ripia, D., . . . Terry, G. (2022). Kaumātua insights into Māori approaches to pain management. New Zealand Pain Society
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Upsdell, A., Fia'ali'i, J., Lewis, G., & Terry, G. (2022). Sāmoan attitudes and beliefs about chronic pain and healthcare.
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Morunga, E., Bean, D., Tuahine, K., Hohepa, K., Lewis, G., Ripia, D., . . . Terry, G. (2022). Kaumātua Insights into understanding and managing pain. New Zealand Psychological Society
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Morunga, E., Bean, D., Tuahine, K., Hohepa, K., Lewis, G., Ripia, D., . . . Terry, G. (2022). Kaumātua Insights into Indigenous Māori Approaches to Understanding and Managing Pain. First Nations Health and Wellbeing: The Lowitja Journal
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Bean, D., Morunga, E., Aamir, T., Tuahine, K., Hohepa, K., Lewis, G., . . . Terry, G. (2022). Kaumātua (Māori elder) insights into indigenous Māori approaches to pain management: A qualitative study. International Association for the Study of Pain
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G. (2021). Key informants. Wiley
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Cummins, C., Kayes, N., Fadyl, J., Terry, G., & Smith, G. (2019). Researcher safety: managing researcher safety, Keeping Save in the Community. OSF:Center for open science
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
McAulay, L., Fadyl, J., & Terry, G. (2019). Vocational rehabilitation teams: Does the concept match the reality?. Career Development Association of New Zealand
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Reay, S., Nakarada-Kordic, I., Khoo, C., Collier, G., Kayes, N., Grobelny, M., . . . Rodriguez-Ramirez, E. (2019). Design for Health Symposium 2019. Good Health Design
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Braun, V., Clarke, V., Hayfield, N., & Terry, G. (2017). Qualitative surveys: A wide-angle lens on perceptions and practices.
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Sezier, A., Taylor, D., Saywell, N., Kayes, N., & Terry, G. (2017). Key considerations for health professionals supporting people experiencing Persistent Postural-Perceptual Dizziness (PPPD). Australasian Society for the Study of Brain Impairment
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Braun, V., & Terry, G. (2017). Was a qualitative survey useful for understanding engagement with the ‘hairless’ ideal around women’s bodies?.
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Anstiss, D., Terry, G., Czuba, K., Kayes, N., & Siegert, R. (2017). Experiencing trauma recovery: the role of professionals in navigating a fragmented rehabilitation landscape.
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Sezier, A., Saywell, N., Terry, G., Taylor, D., & Kayes, N. (2017). Key considerations for health professionals supporting people experiencing Persistent Postural-Perceptual Dizziness (PPPD). New Zealand Rehabilitation Association
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Haxell, H., Payne, D., & Terry, G. (2017). Strategies for enhancing access to information, buildings and other facilities: A systematic review..
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Hamer, W., Terry, G., & Farvid, P. (2016). BDSM and Help-Seeking.
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G., & Kayes, N. (2016). Insights into person-centred practice: A secondary analysis..
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Hayfield, N., Ellis, S., Clarke, V., & Terry, G. (2015). Lived experiences of voluntary childlessness for heterosexual and non-heterosexual women: Negotiating stigma, identity and the life-course. , Windsor, United Kingdom..
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Braun, V., & Terry, G. (2015). Thematic analysis workshop.
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G. (2014). “Overcoming the mental hurdle”: Affective explanations in the vasectomy decision making process..
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Ward, M., Featherstone, B., Robb, M., Tarrant, A., & Terry, G. (2014). Beyond Male Role Models: Gender identities and work with young men. ,.
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G. (2014). Data generation through interviews.
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Braun, V., & Terry, G. (2013). Does body hair removal remain a domain of embodied gendered difference? A report from Aotearoa New Zealand..
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Beres, M., Terry, G., & Senn, C. (2011). "What would a player do?" Accounting for men's (lack of) sexual desire..
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G. (2009). “It’s a pathetic little operation”: Kiwi men accounting for vasectomy..
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G. (2008). Vasectomy and the construction of the caring, responsible man..
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G., Braun, V., Gavey, N., & Fenaughty, J. (2007). Cultural contexts of ‘risk’? Sexual coercion and unwanted sex among gay and bisexual men..
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G. (2007). Sex, Celibacy and Masculinities: Is there a sexual imperative?.
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.

Teaching and Supervision

Summary of Doctoral Supervision

Position Current Completed
Main Supervisor 2 0
Co-supervisor 2 0

Current Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • Theo Bennett - Doctor of Clinical Psychology
    Muscle dysphoria and masculinity
  • Andrew Murray-Brown - Doctor of Clinical Psychology
    Understanding the development of emotional expression for adolescent males - barriers and facilitators in social worlds

Co-supervisor of:

  • Sacha Malkin - Doctor of Clinical Psychology
    Abortion Telehealth in Aotearoa - Key learnings from two years of service provision
  • Shireen Tresslor - Doctor of Philosophy
    A thematic analysis of health professionals talking about abuse in the context of palliative care