College of Humanities and Social Sciences staff

Associate Professor James Richardson staff profile picture

Contact details +6469516575

Associate Professor James Richardson

Associate Professor in Classical Studies

School of Humanities Media and Creative Comm


Prizes and Awards

  • Marsden Grant - Royal Society of New Zealand (2016)

Research Expertise

Research Interests

At the moment my research is primarily focused on two main areas: the influence which Roman historical and political thought and ideology had on the formation and nature of the literary tradition of early Rome; and the formation of the Roman state and constitution, and the development of associated ideas such as identity and citizenship.


21st Century Citizenship

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Classical Greek and Roman History (210306): Historical Studies (210300): History And Archaeology (210000)

Research Projects

Completed Projects

Project Title: The Individual and the State in Early Rome

Date Range: 2016 - 2019

Funding Body: Royal Society of New Zealand

Project Team:

Research Outputs


Richardson, J. (2023). The Tribes of Romulus and the Priesthoods of Rome. Eranos: Acta philologica Suecana. 113, 43-59 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Richardson, J.
Richardson, JH. (2022). THE SERVIUS TULLIUS PAPYRUS (P.OXY. 2088): THE WORK OF VARRO?. Zeitschrift fur Papyrologie und Epigraphik. (224), 25-38
[Journal article]Authored by: Richardson, J.
Richardson, JH. (2022). Varro and the Romulean Tribes. Classical Philology. 117(4), 724-735 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Richardson, J.
Richardson, JH. (2022). On the Nature of the Romulean Tribes. The Classical Journal. 117(4), 454-475 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Richardson, J.
Richardson, JH. (2021). The Tribes, the Centuries, and Romulus’ Cavalry. Phoenix. 75(3-4), 284-303 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Richardson, J.
Richardson, JH. (2021). A Note on Propertius 4.1.25-26. The Classical World. 114(3), 309-315 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Richardson, J.
Richardson, JH. (2021). Review of book Rome’s Early Growth: A Study of the Literary Tradition on Rome’s Territorial Growth under the Kings, by Adam Ziółkowski. Histos. , 50-56Retreived from
[Book Review]Authored by: Richardson, J.
Richardson, JH. (2019). Some Thoughts on suffragium and the Practice of Voting in Archaic Rome. Hermes (Germany). 147(3), 283-297
[Journal article]Authored by: Richardson, J.
Richardson, JH. (2018). Valerius antias and the archives. Materiali e Discussioni per l'Analisi dei Testi Classici. 80, 57-80
[Journal article]Authored by: Richardson, J.
Richardson, JH. (2018). P. cornelius scipio and the capture of new carthage: The tide, the wind and other fantasies. Classical Quarterly. 68(2), 458-474
[Journal article]Authored by: Richardson, J.
Richardson, JH. (2017). The Roman nobility the early consular fasti, and the consular tribunate. Antichthon. 51, 77-100 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Richardson, J.
Armstrong, J., & Richardson, JH. (2017). Authors, Archaeology, and Arguments: Evidence and Models for Early Roman Politics. Antichthon. 51, 1-20
[Journal article]Authored by: Richardson, J.
Richardson, JH., & Armstrong, J. (2017). Politics and power in early Rome 509-264 BC. Antichthon: journal of ancient world studies. 51, 1-252 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Richardson, J.Edited by: Richardson, J.
Richardson, JH. (2017). The development of the treaty-making rituals of the Romans. Hermes (Germany). 145(3), 250-274
[Journal article]Authored by: Richardson, J.
Richardson, JH. (2015). 'Tales of rivalry in Rome’, review discussion of J. Neel, Legendary rivals: Collegiality and ambition in the tales of early Rome (Leiden, 2014). Histos. 9, 70-90
[Journal article]Authored by: Richardson, J.
Richardson, JH. (2014). ‘Firsts’ and the Historians of Rome. Historia. 63, 17-37.
[Journal article]Authored by: Richardson, J.
Richardson, JH. (2013). The Dioscuri and the Liberty of the Republic. Latomus. 72, 901-918. Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Richardson, J.
Richardson, JH. (2012). Consuls and Res Publica: Holding High Office in the Roman Republic by H. Beck, A. Duplá, M. Jehne, and F. Pina Polo. Phoenix. 66(3/4), 451-454Retreived from
[Book Review]Authored by: Richardson, J.
Richardson, JH. (2011). Ap. Claudius Caecus and the Corruption of the Roman Voting Assemblies: A New Interpretation of Livy 9.46.11. Hermes. 139, 454-463.
[Journal article]Authored by: Richardson, J.
Richardson, JH. (2011). L. Iunius Brutus the Patrician and the Political Allegiance of Q. Aelius Tubero. Classical Philology. 106, 155-161.
[Journal article]Authored by: Richardson, J.
Richardson, JH. (2010). The Oath per Iovem lapidem and the Community in Archaic Rome. Rheinisches Museum für Philologie. 153, 25-42.
[Journal article]Authored by: Richardson, J.
Richardson, JH. (2009). Review of J. Rüpke, Fasti Sacerdotum. A Prosopography of Pagan, Jewish, and Christian Religious Officials in the City of Rome, 300 BC to AD 499 (Oxford, 2008). Classical Review. , 550-552.
[Book Review]Authored by: Richardson, J.
Richardson, JH. (2008). The pater patratus on a Roman Gold Stater: A Reading of RRC Nos. 28/1-2 and 29/1-2. Hermes. 136, 415-425.
[Journal article]Authored by: Richardson, J.
Richardson, JH. (2008). Ancient Political Thought and the Development of the Consulship. Latomus. 67, 627-633.
[Journal article]Authored by: Richardson, J.
Richardson, JH. (2008). Ancient Historical Thought and the Development of the Consulship. Latomus. 67, 328-341.
[Journal article]Authored by: Richardson, J.
Richardson, JH. (2008). A Note on the Myth of Tages. Bulletin Antieke Beschaving. 83, 107-109.
[Journal article]Authored by: Richardson, J.
Richardson, JH. (2007). On the Location of the urbs and tribus Scaptia. Hermes. 135, 166-173.
[Journal article]Authored by: Richardson, J.
Richardson, JH. (2004). Dorsuo and the Gauls. Phoenix. 58, 284-297.
[Journal article]Authored by: Richardson, J.


Richardson, J. (2021). Past and Present in Roman Historical Thought and Historiography. In O. Devillers, & B. Sebastiani (Eds.) Sources et modèles des historiens anciens, 2. (pp. 109 - 118). Bordeaux: Ausonius Éditions
[Chapter]Authored by: Richardson, J.
Richardson, J.(2020). Kings and Consuls: Eight Essays on Roman History, Historiography and Political Thought. Oxford: Peter Lang Verlag
[Authored Book]Authored by: Richardson, J.
Richardson, J. (2020). Introduction. In Kings and Consuls: Eight Essays on Roman History, Historiography and Political Thought. (pp. 1 - 19). Oxford, United Kingdom: Peter Lang Group AG
[Chapter]Authored by: Richardson, J.
Richardson, J. (2020). The King and the Constitution: Elections and Hereditary Succession in Regal Rome. In Kings and Consuls: Eight Essays on Roman History, Historiography and Political Thought. (pp. 47 - 85). Oxford: Peter Lang Verlag
[Chapter]Authored by: Richardson, J.
Richardson, JH. (2017). The people & the state in early Rome. In A. Brown, & J. Griffiths (Eds.) The Citizen: Past and Present. (pp. 63 - 91). : Massey University Press
[Chapter]Authored by: Richardson, J.
García Morcillo, M., Richardson, JH., & Santangelo, F. (Eds.) (2016). Ruin or renewal? Places and the transformation of memory in the city of Rome. Rome: Edizioni Quasar
[Edited Book]Edited by: Richardson, J.
Richardson, JH., García Morcillo, M., & Santangelo, F. (2016). Ruin or Renewal? Places, Monuments and Memories in Ancient Rome. In JH. Richardson, M. García Morcillo, & F. Santangelo (Eds.) Ruin or Renewal? Places and the Transformation of Memory in the City of Rome. (pp. 9 - 27). Rome: Edizioni Quasar.
[Chapter]Authored by: Richardson, J.Edited by: Richardson, J.
Richardson, JH. (2016). Virum mihi, Camena, insece: The cult of the camenae and the commemoration of achievement in early Rome. In M. García Morcillo, JH. Richardson, & F. Santangelo (Eds.) Ruin or Renewal? Places and the Transformation of Memory in the City of Rome. (pp. 73 - 94). Rome, Italy: Edizioni Quasar
[Chapter]Authored by: Richardson, J.Edited by: Richardson, J.
Richardson, JH., & Santangelo, F. (Eds.) (2015). Andreas Alföldi in the Twenty-First Century. (Vol. 56, Heidelberger Althistorische Beiträge und Epigraphische Studien) Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
[Edited Book]Edited by: Richardson, J.
Richardson, JH., & Santangelo, F. (2015). Introduction. In JH. Richardson, & F. Santangelo (Eds.) Andreas Alföldi in the twenty-first century. (pp. 11 - 22). Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
[Chapter]Authored by: Richardson, J.
Richardson, JH. (2015). Andreas Alföldi and the adventure(s) of the Vibenna brothers. In JH. Richardson, & F. Santangelo (Eds.) Andreas Alföldi in the twenty-first century. (pp. 111 - 130). Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag
[Chapter]Authored by: Richardson, J.
Richardson, JH. (2014). The complications of Quellenforschung: the case of Livy and Fabius Pictor. In B. Mineo (Ed.) A companion to Livy. : John Wiley & Sons
[Chapter]Authored by: Richardson, J.
Richardson, JH., & Santangelo, F. (Eds.) (2014). The Roman Historical Tradition: Regal and Republican Rome. Oxford: Oxford University Press
[Edited Book]Edited by: Richardson, J.
Richardson, JH., & Santangelo, F. (2014). Introduction. In JH. Richardson, & F. Santangelo (Eds.) The Roman Historical Tradition: Regal and Republican Rome (Oxford Readings in Classical Studies). (pp. 1 - 15). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
[Chapter]Authored by: Richardson, J.
Richardson, JH., & Santangelo, F, . (2014). Addenda to various chapters. In JH. Richardson, & F. Santangelo (Eds.) The Roman Historical Tradition: Regal and Republican Rome. (pp. 1 - 16). Oxford: Oxford University Press
[Chapter]Authored by: Richardson, J.
Richardson, JH.(2012). The Fabii and the Gauls: Studies in Historical Thought and Historiography in Republican Rome. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
[Authored Book]Authored by: Richardson, J.
Richardson, JH., & Santangelo, F. (Eds.) (2011). Priests and State in the Roman World. (Vol. 33, Potsdamer Altertumswissenschaftliche Beiträge) Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
[Edited Book]Edited by: Richardson, J.
Richardson, JH., & Santangelo, F. (2011). Introduction. In JH. Richardson, & F. Santangelo (Eds.) Priests and State in the Roman World. (pp. 17 - 23). Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
[Chapter]Authored by: Richardson, J.
Richardson, JH. (2011). The Vestal Virgins and the Use of the Annales maximi. In JH. Richardson, & F. Santangelo (Eds.) Priests and State in the Roman World. (pp. 91 - 106). Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
[Chapter]Authored by: Richardson, J.
Richardson, JH. (2008). Rome’s Treaties with Carthage: Jigsaw or Variant Traditions?. In C. Deroux (Ed.) Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History XIV (Collection Latomus 315). (pp. 84 - 94). Brussels.
[Chapter]Authored by: Richardson, J.