College of Humanities and Social Sciences staff

Dr Clare Mouat staff profile picture

Contact details +6469516522

Dr Clare Mouat BA, BComm, MA(Hons), PhD

Senior Lecturer - Resource & Environmental Planning

Doctoral Supervisor
School of People, Environment and Planning

My work champions growing and greening democracy by rethinking community and regenerative governance. My portfolio explores innovation and infrastructures of care, repair, and flourishing futures, and influences law, and policy in multiple jurisdictions. As a scholar-storyteller for just, care-full, healthy and inclusive cities and places, I am passionate about co-producing feasible and radically-progressive responses to the local and global challenges and crises facing us, our families, and eight billion of our closest neighbours. To me, this means understanding the ethics, politics, plans, roadblocks and the various strategies and roadmaps towards the places where we want to live, work, and play.


Contact details

  • Ph: +64 6 9516 522
    Location: 2.22, Social Sciences Tower
    Campus: Manawatū


  • Bachelor of Arts - University of Auckland (1995)
  • Bachelor of Commerce - University of Auckland (1995)
  • Master of Arts with First Class Honours - University of Auckland (1997)
  • Doctor of Philosophy - University of Auckland (2010)

Certifications and Registrations

  • Licence, Supervisor, Massey University

Research Expertise

Research Interests

Community planning and development

Planning theory and professional practice

Political Theory and Philosophy

Regenerative governance and policy

Health and well-being

Community engagement

Post-human geographies

Smart Cities and strategic metropolitan planning

Human geography (including urban, social, cultural, socio-ecological)

Democracy (especially conflict and consensus, participatory, deliberative)

Political economy and ecology

Green Spaces

Governance innovation

Infrastructures of care and repair

Radical pedagogy

Work-integrated Learning and Employability


21st Century Citizenship, Resource Development and Management, Health and Well-being

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Built Environment And Design (120000): Community Planning (120501):
Curriculum and Pedagogy (130200):
Economic Geography (160401):
Education (130000):
History and Theory of the Built Environment (excl. Architecture) (120502): Housing Markets, Development, Management (120503):
Human Geography (160400): Social and Cultural Geography (160403): Studies In Human Society (160000):
Urban and Regional Planning (120500):
Urban and Regional Studies (excl. Planning) (160404)



Strategic metropolitan planning and governance
Local Government
Built Environment
Health and Wellbeing
Outer Space
Life course planning
Flourishing Futures (infrastructures of care, repair, and regenerative governance)
Governance innovations
Work-integrated Learning and Employability


Community planning and development
Planning theory and professional practice
Political Theory and Philosophy
Regenerative governance and policy
Health and well-being
Community engagement
Post-human geographies
Smart Cities and strategic metropolitan planning

Human geography (including urban, social, cultural, socio-ecological)

Democracy (especially conflict and consensus, participatory, deliberative)

Political economy and ecology
Green Spaces
Governance innovation
Infrastructures of care and repair
Radical pedagogy
Work-integrated Learning and Employability

Research Outputs


Mouat, CM. (2024). Midwinter twinkling: Wayfinding love through radical empathy, sky-sharing, and futuring. Geographical Research. 62(3), 339-344
[Journal article]Authored by: Mouat, C.
Kinash, S., Male, SA., Mouat, CM., Spagnoli, D., McDougall, K., Thomas, J., . . . Mortimer, CJ. (2024). Defining and enabling scholarship of teaching, learning and employability (SoTLE) through a multi-institution faculty learning community. Learning Communities Journal. 13(1), 81-103 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Mouat, C.
Shrestha, P., Clements, R., Blatman, N., Mouat, C., Alizadeh, T., Nasreen, Z., . . . Rogers, D. (2023). Book Review: The Colonizing Self: Or, Home and Homelessness in Israel/Palestine. Planning Theory. 23(2), 186-193 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Mouat, C.
Mouat, CM. (2023). Revolutionary possibilities of love in a time of disaster, decolonisation, and diffraction. Geographical Research. 61(3), 305-311
[Journal article]Authored by: Mouat, C.
Spagnoli, D., Kinash, S., de St Jorre, TJ., Male, S., Mouat, CM., & McDougall, K. (2023). From we ask to iASK: a self-reflection strategy enabling students to connect assessment and employability. Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability. 14(1), 71-87
[Journal article]Authored by: Mouat, C.
Ruming, K., Mouat, CM., & Morel-EdnieBrown, F. (2023). Planning Reform During COVID-19: Stakeholder Perspectives on Reform Initiatives in New South Wales and Western Australia. Urban Policy and Research. 41(1), 98-116
[Journal article]Authored by: Mouat, C.
Sigler, TJ., Mouat, CM., Searle, G., & Martinus, K. (2021). “Networked coalitions” as metropolitan governance: Lessons from the emergence of Australia’s Committees for Cities and Regions. Journal of Urban Affairs. 43(1), 182-200
[Journal article]Authored by: Mouat, C.
Holton, M., & Mouat, CM. (2021). The rise (and rise) of vertical studentification: Exploring the drivers of studentification in Australia. Urban Studies. 58(9), 1866-1884
[Journal article]Authored by: Mouat, C.
Mouat, CM., Techera, EJE., Notebaert, L., Blake, M., & Barker, R. (2021). (Un)earthly governance: beyond functional frameworks to flourishing spacescapes. Journal of Property, Planning and Environmental Law. 13(2), 122-138
[Journal article]Authored by: Mouat, C.
Inch, A., Laurian, L., Mouat, C., Davies, R., Davy, B., Legacy, C., . . . Symonds, C. (2017). Planning in the face of immovable subjects: a dialogue about resistance to development forces. Planning Theory and Practice. 18(3), 469-488
[Journal article]Authored by: Mouat, C.
Buksh, B., & Mouat, CM. (2015). Activating smart work hubs for urban revitalisation: evidence and implications of digital urbanism for planning and policy from South-East Queensland. Australian Planner. 52(1), 16-26
[Journal article]Authored by: Mouat, C.
Leshinsky, R., & Mouat, CM. (2015). Towards better recognising ‘community’ in multi-owned property law and living. International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis. 8(4), 484-501
[Journal article]Authored by: Mouat, C.
Legacy, C., March, A., & Mouat, CM. (2014). Limits and potentials to deliberative engagement in highly regulated planning systems: Norm development within fixed rules. Planning Theory and Practice. 15(1), 26-40
[Journal article]Authored by: Mouat, C.
Mouat, C., & Dodson, J. (2013). Reviewing the Auckland 'super city': Towards an ongoing agenda for evaluating super city governance. Australian Planner. 50(2), 138-147
[Journal article]Authored by: Mouat, C.
Mouat, C., Legacy, C., & March, A. (2013). The Problem is the Solution: Testing Agonistic Theory's Potential to Recast Intractable Planning Disputes. Urban Policy and Research. 31(2), 150-166
[Journal article]Authored by: Mouat, C.
Gunder, M., & Mouat, C. (2002). Symbolic violence and victimization in planning processes: A reconnoitre of the New Zealand Resource Management Act. Planning Theory. 1(2), 124-145
[Journal article]Authored by: Mouat, C.


Mouat, C., & Adams, B. (2023). Recognizing craft and creativity as political governance innovation: Activating people and place through civic activism and creative enterprise. In Craft Communities. (pp. 94 - 104).
[Chapter]Authored by: Mouat, C.