College of Humanities and Social Sciences staff

Associate Professor Rochelle Stewart-Withers staff profile picture

Contact details +6469516657

Associate Professor Rochelle Stewart-Withers BN, PGDip Dev Studies, PGDipN, PhD, RegCompNursing

Associate Professor

Doctoral Mentor Supervisor
School of People, Environment and Planning

Ngāti Rāhiri Hapū o Te Ātiawa

HEAD of PROGRAMME Development Studies 

ORCID: 0000-0001-7452-0293

Prior to academia I was a Registered Nurse for 16 years, both in New Zealand and overseas. I have held a number of senior clinical, leadership and advisory positions at the DHB and Ministry of Health levels. I continue to sit on the national board of the NZ Mental Health Foundation. It was my nursing background and time spent in developing countries, alongside my growing interest in the development industry and humanitarian space, which saw me move to Development Studies. In 2007 I completed a PhD in Development Studies with Massey University, and post-PhD my first academic position was with the School of Social Sciences at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia.

I value blue skies and applied research, seeing both to be necessary if we are to address the various complex issues facing the Globe, and if we are to have post-graduate students who are industry ready. I have two clear threads to my research platform. The first thread investigates the way sport is used in developing countries, and with Indigenous populations, to achieve social and economic goals and bring about social justice. The second thread relates to how scholars do research and this can be seen through my outputs on fieldwork, methodology and ethics. My work here has a particularly strong influence on developing post-graduate researchers.

Roles and responsibilities in more detail:

  • I am Head of Programme for the Institute of Development Studies
  • Kaiārahi Te Tiriti - CoHSS
  • Post-Grad, I coordinate and teach Development Research Design: 131.707 and Development Practicum: 131.708. I teach into Gender and Development: 131.703. Under-Grad I coordinate and teach into the first year course - Rich World; Poor World: 131.121. My teaching is research informed and student centred
  • We foster a cohesive and supportive post-graduate culture. See our Development Studies @ Massey Facebook Page; Our Development Studies programme in 2023 was ranked 29th in the world according to QS
  • I have supervised 55 Masters students to completion and I have 4 Masters student in progress. I have supervised 13 PhD students to completion and I have 7 PhDs in progress, this includes joint supervision with the University of Queensland, Victoria University of Wellington
  • I am the sole recipient of the Massey University, CoHSS, Supervision Award, 2017
  • I was Chair of Massey University Human Ethics Southern B Committee, from 2015-2019
  • I am Convenor for the Massey University PhD Oral Exam
  • I am an active Indigenous researcher, with a focus on the Pacific Region and Aotearoa. I have secured $2.3 Million NZD in outside contestable funding, including 2 Royal Marsden grants (2020; 2023) and a Canadian SSHRC Grant (2019). Research has led to the development of an aid project. See Pacific Island Players' Association and Fijian rugby team up for $650,000 fund;  also see Rugby: Fiji funding will change game
  • I am Deputy Chair and Board Member of the New Zealand Mental Health Foundation
  • I am mum to 5 wonderful young people. 


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Contact details

  • Ph: +64 6 3569099 xt 83657
    Location: 3.29, Social Science Tower
    Campus: Manawatu


  • Bachelor of Nursing - Massey University (1998)
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Development Studies - Massey University (2001)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing - Massey University (2003)
  • Doctor of Philosophy - Massey University (2007)
  • Registered Comprehensive Nursing - Manawatu Polytechinc (1990)

Certifications and Registrations

  • Licence, Mentor Supervisor, Massey University

Prizes and Awards

  • Royal Marsden Fund Awardee - Primary Investigator “Our Game by Our Rules: Bringing an Indigenous perspective to the Sport-for-Development (SFD) field”, $870,000.00 - ‘Marsden Fund - Te Pūtea Rangahau a Marsden’ (2021)
  • New Zealand Royal Society, Marsden – Standard Grant – Invitation to submit a full application, 2020 - NZ Royal Society (2020) - New Zealand Royal Society, Marsden (2020)
  • Canadian Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Insight Grant, $253,015.00 Canadian Dollars + 15,000 supplement to attend the annual Sport Canada Research Initiative (SCRI) conference - Canadian Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) (2020)
  • 2019: MURF CoHSS Funding, $4301.00 - MURF - CoHSS (2020)
  • MURF CoH, $12,367.50 - Massey University (2020)
  • Massey University Marsden Proposal Development, $10,000.00 - Massey University - Research and Enterprise (2019)
  • New Zealand Royal Society, Marsden – Standard Grant – Invitation to submit a full application, 2019 - NZ Royal Society (2019)
  • College of Humanities and Social Science Supervision Award, 2018 - See - Massey University COHSS (2018)
  • Massey University, CoHSS Summer Scholarship Funding, $5,000, 2018 - Massey University (2018)
  • MURF CoHSS Funding, $8,120, 2018 - Massey University (2018)
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade NZAID Grant, $94,047, 2014 - Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade , NZAID (2014)
  • MURF CoHSS Funding, $9,302.40, 2014 - Massey University (2014)
  • CoHSS ECR Award, $7,980, 2013 - Massey University (2013)
  • MURF CoHSS Funding, $6,998, 2013 - Massey University (2013)
  • Massey University, CoHSS Summer Scholarship Funding, $5,000, 2012 - Massey University (2012)
  • New Zealand Royal Society, Marsden – Fast Start – Invitation to submit a full application, 2011 - NZ Royal Society (2011)
  • MURF CoHSS Funding, $13,880, 2011 - Massey University (2011)
  • CoHSS Early Career Researcher Funding $12,000, 2010 - Massey University (2010)
  • Massey University Research Māori Award, 2010 - Massey University (2010)
  • New Zealand Families’ Commission Blue Skies Fund, $14,825, 2009 - New Zealand Families’ Commission (2009)
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade NZAID Research Grant, $43,254, 2009 - Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, NZAID (2009)
  • University of Queensland, School of Social Science Teaching Award, 2009 - University of Queensland (2009)
  • Australian Association for the Advancement of Pacific Studies Scholarship, QUT/ANU, 2006 - QUT/ANU (2006)
  • North Queensland Branch of the Australian and New Zealand College of Mental Health Nurses, Award for Best Paper by a Clinician, 2004 - NQ ANZCMHN (2004)
  • Massey University, PhD Scholarship, 2003 - Massey University (2003)
  • Manchester Unity, Wanganui District Scholarship, 2002 - Manchester Unity (2002)
  • New Zealand Federation of Graduate Women, Harriette Jenkins Award, 2002 - New Zealand Federation of Graduate Women, (2002)
  • Masters Scholarship, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 2001 - Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (2001)
  • Massey University Masterate Scholarship, 2001 - Massey University (2001)
  • NZ Nurses Organisation - Travel/Conference Grant, 1998, 2001 - NZNO (1998)
  • NZ Clinical Training Agency Post-Grad Mental Health Nursing Scholarship, 1998 - Clinical Training Agency NZ (1998)

Research Expertise

Research Interests

  • Sport for Development
  • Gender and Development
  • Qualitative research methodologies – feminist and Indigenous
  • Epistemologies in the Pacific
  • Female-headed households
  • Pacific Region
  • Indigenous, Post-colonial and Feminist Debates
  • Ethics


21st Century Citizenship, Health and Well-being

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Anthropology (160100): Anthropology of Development (160101): Demography (160300): Family and Household Studies (160301): Gender Specific Studies (169901): Migration (160303): Other Studies in Human Society (169900): Race and Ethnic Relations (160803): Sociological Methodology and Research Methods (160807): Sociology (160800): Studies In Human Society (160000): Studies of Maori Society (169904): Studies of Pacific Peoples' Societies (169905)


  • Sport as a vehicle for economic and social development
  • Sport labour migration, professional and semi-professional athletes and remittances
  • Gender and Development
  • Gender Impact Assessment/Analysis
  • PRA techniques
  • Qualitative research methodologies – Critical, feminist and Indigenous
  • Epistemologies in the Pacific
  • Households and Families
  • Pacific Region

Research Projects

Current Projects

Project Title: Our game by our rules: Bringing an Indigenous perspective to the Sport-for-Development (SFD) field

Date Range: 2021 - 2025

Funding Body: Royal Society of New Zealand

Project Team:

Research Outputs


Stewart-Withers, RR. (2007). Contesting a development category female-headed households in Samoa. (Doctoral Thesis, Massey University)
[Doctoral Thesis]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.


Forde, S., Giles, AR., Stewart-Withers, R., Rynne, S., Hapeta, J., Hayhurst, L., . . . Henhawk, D. (2024). Sport for Reconciliation? Federal Sport Policy in Settler-Colonial States. International Indigenous Policy Journal. 15(1), 1-31
[Journal article]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, R., Hapeta, J., Giles, A., & Morgan, H. (2023). Indigenous voices matter: Graham and Linda’s legacy, ‘still propping up the sky,’ is now lifting to another level!. Journal of Sport for Development. 11(1), 1-2
[Journal article]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, R., Hapeta, J., Giles, A., & Morgan, H. (2023). Ka muri, ka mua<sup>1</sup>: Indigenous voices matter. Journal of Sport for Development. 11(1), 1-8
[Journal article]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Nachman, JR., Hayhurst, LMC., Giles, AR., Stewart-Withers, R., & Henhawk, DA. (2023). Indigenous Youth (Non)Participation in Euro-Canadian Sport: Applying Theories of Refusal. Sociology of Sport Journal. 40(1), 3-10
[Journal article]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, R., & Greener, BK. (2022). New Zealand’s Policing Efforts in the Pacific: Gender Programs, Practices, and Performances. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 38(3), 346-363
[Journal article]Authored by: Greener, B., Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, R., Hapeta, J., & Greener, B. (2021). 'The Game' that stopped two nations: Development and diplomacy in the case of the 2015 New Zealand All Black's and Manu Samoa rugby test match in Samoa. Asia Pacific Viewpoint. 62(3), 295-312
[Journal article]Authored by: Greener, B., Stewart-Withers, R.
Lorkuangming, V., Beban, A., & Stewart-Withers, R. (2021). Exploring men’s involvement in family planning in Lao PDR. Development in Practice. 31(8), 1083-1095
[Journal article]Authored by: Beban, A., Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, R., & Hapeta, J. (2020). An examination of an Aotearoa/New Zealand plus-sport education partnership using livelihoods and capital analysis. Journal of Sport for Development. 8(15), 50-65
[Journal article]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, R., & Hapeta, J. (2020). Seeking out distance horizons for sport- livelihoods justice: An examination of an Aotearoa plus-sport education focused NGO using livelihoods thinking.. Journal of Sport for Development.
[Journal article]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Hapeta, J., Stewart-Withers, R., & Palmer, F. (2019). Sport for social change with aotearoa New Zealand youth: Navigating the theory⇓practice nexus through indigenous principles. Journal of Sport Management. 33(5), 481-492
[Journal article]Authored by: Palmer, F., Stewart-Withers, R.
Raven, B., & Stewart-Withers, R. (2019). Using critical discourse analysis and the concept of food security to understand pregnant women’s nutrition in Aotearoa/New Zealand. Journal of the New Zealand College of Midwives. 1(55), 35-43 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Hapeta, J., Stewart-Withers, R., & Palmer, F. (2019). Sport for social change with Aotearoa New Zealand youth: Navigating the theory–practice nexus through indigenous principles. Journal of Sport Management. 33(5), 481-492
[Journal article]Authored by: Palmer, F., Stewart-Withers, R.
Greene, M., & Stewart-Withers, R. (2018). Exploring how Physical Education (PE) can be a more empowering experience for Pacific Island young women. Physical Educator - Journal of Physical Education New Zealand. 51(2), 4-11 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Leslie, HM., Banks, G., Prinsen, G., Scheyvens, R., & Stewart-Withers, R. (2018). Complexities of development management in the 2020s: Aligning values, skills and competencies in development studies. Asia Pacific Viewpoint. 59(2), 235-245
[Journal article]Authored by: Banks, G., Prinsen, J., Scheyvens, R., Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, RR., Sewabu, K., & Richardson, S. (2017). Rugby union driven migration as a means for sustainable livelihoods creation: A case study of iTaukei, indigenous Fijian. Journal of Sport for Development. 5(9), 1-20 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Richardson, S., Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, RR. (2017). Memory-work as method: Academic mothers remember. Anthropology and Education Quarterly.
[Journal article]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, R., Sewabu, K., & Richardson, S. (2017). Talanoa: A contemporary qualitative methodology for sport management. Sport Management Review. 20(1), 55-68
[Journal article]Authored by: Richardson, S., Stewart-Withers, R.
Farrelly, T., Stewart-Withers, RR., McLennan, S., & Gibson, L. (2017). Collective memory-work as method and resistance. SITES: A Journal of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies. 14(2), 1-26
[Journal article]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, RR. (2016). Edge walking ethics. NZ Sociology: Special Issue - Ethics in Practice. 31(4), 28-42 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, RR. (2016). Safeguarding, child protection and abuse in sport: International perspectives in research, policy and practice. Sport Management Review. 19(1), 81-82Retreived from
[Book Review]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, RR. (2016). Book Review: Diversity and inclusion in Sport organizations. Sport Management Review. 19(5), 599-600Retreived from
[Book Review]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, RR., & Everill, A. (2015). Transforming hegemonic masculinities in Papua New Guinea: Rugby League as a vehicle for the prevention of gender-based Violence and HIV/AIDS. International Journal of Sport and Society. 4(4), 57-69 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Farrelly, T., Stewart-Withers, RR., & Dombroski, K. (2014). ‘Being there’: Mothering and absence/presence in the field. Sites: A Journal of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies. 11(2), 25-56
[Journal article]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, R. (2011). Guest editor: Pacific knowledges. Women's Studies Journal. 22(2), 2-4
[Journal article]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, R. (2011). Re-positioning the experiences and situation of single mothers: Accounts from Samoa. Women’s Studies Journal. 25(1), 47-62 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, R. (2011). Contesting a Third World development category: Female-headed households in Samoa. Women's Studies International Forum. 34(3), 171-184
[Journal article]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, RR. (2010). AIDS and governance. PROGRESS IN DEVELOPMENT STUDIES. 10(4), 380-+
[Book Review]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, R. (2008). Lessons to be learnt from the SARS epidemic. Asia Pacific Viewpoint. 49(3), 392-395
[Book Review]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, RR., & O'Brien, AP. (2006). Suicide prevention and social capital: A Samoan perspective. Health Sociology Review. 15(2), 209-220
[Journal article]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Kurth, C., Brown, J., Pugmire, N., Carroll, T., Stewart-Withers, R., Simons, M., . . . MacIntyre, R. (2003). Making the case for mental health nursing standards.. Nursing New Zealand (Wellington, N.Z. : 1995). 9(6), 22
[Journal article]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, R. (2001). Nursing needs to take a broader understanding of terrorism. KKai Taiki: Nursing New Zealand. Wellington: New Zealand Nurses Organisation. 7(10), 4-5
[Journal article]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.


Giles, AR., Stewart-Withers, R., Hapeta, J., & Rynne, S. (2024). ANALYZING DATA IN COMMUNITY-BASED RESEARCH WITH INDIGENOUS COMMUNITIES: Indigenous and Settler Researchers’ Perspectives on “Unlocking” the Next Level. In Participatory Research in Sport and Physical Activity. (pp. 183 - 195).
[Chapter]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, R., & Hapeta, J. (2023). Indigenous studies-Challenges and opportunities for better engagement. In Handbook of Sport and International Development. (pp. 48 - 58).
[Chapter]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, R. (2022). Developing sport with Indigenous communities. In V. Girginov, & E. Sherry (Eds.) Routledge Encyclopedia of Sport Studies. : Routledge
[Chapter]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Hapeta, J., Morgan, H., Stewart-Withers, R., & Kuiti, K. (2022). Applying Kaupapa Maori principles to positive youth development: Insights from a new zealand youth justice facility. In Sport, Physical Activity and Criminal Justice: Politics, Policy and Practice. (pp. 109 - 123).
[Chapter]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, R., & Hapeta, J. (2021). Sport as a vehicle for positive social change in Aotearoa.. In D. Belgrave (Ed.) Tū Tira Mai: Making Change in New Zealand. : Massey University Press
[Chapter]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, R. (2020). Gender, sport, and livelihoods. In Developing Sport for Women and Girls. (pp. 147 - 160).
[Chapter]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, R. (2020). Chapter 13 - Sport as a vehicle for livelihoods creation.. In E. Sherry, & K. Rowe (Eds.) Developing Sport for Women and Girls. (pp. 147 - 160).
[Chapter]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Morgan, H., Hapeta, J., Stewart-Withers, R., & Colman, J. (2020). Covid-19 and the instrumental use of sport: What does the future hold for sport-for-development organisations?. In Time Out: Sport and the Corona Lockdown..
[Chapter]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, R. (2020). SDG 8: Sport as a sustainable livelihood option.. In WL. Filho, A. Lange Salvia, AM. Azul, LL. Brandli, & T. Wall (Eds.) Encyclopaedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Decent Work and Economic Growth.
[Chapter]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, R., & Everill, AS. (2018). Transforming hegemonic masculinities in Papua New Guinea: Exploring the potential of rugby league in the prevention of gender-based violence and HIV/AIDS.. In C. Fogel (Ed.) Critical Perspectives on Gender and Sport.. (pp. 153 - 166). Illinois: Common Ground Research Networks
[Chapter]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Meo-Sewabu, L., Hughes, E., & Stewart-Withers, RR. (2017). Pacific Research Guidelines and Protocols. Joint Initiative by the Pacific Research and Policy Centre and the Pasifika@Massey Directorate.
[Monograph]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, R., Banks, GA., McGregor, A., & Meo-Sewabu, L. (2014). Qualitative Research. In R. Scheyvens (Ed.) Development Fieldwork. (pp. 59 - 80). : SAGE Publications Limited
[Chapter]Authored by: Banks, G., Stewart-Withers, R.Edited by: Scheyvens, R.


Stewart-Withers, R., Dome, D., & Connor, R.(2020). Evaluation of the Wellington Phoenix Football Diversity and Inclusion Programme 2020 Football for All..
[Technical Report]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, RR., Richardson, S., & Sewabu, K. (2014). Increasing the value of sports-generated remittances into the Pacific: Desk-based report. ( Report No. 1). Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Richardson, S., Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, RR., Richardson, S., & Sewabu, K. (2014). Increasing the value of sports-generated remittances into the Pacific: Fieldwork report. ( Report No. 2). Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Richardson, S., Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, RR., Richardson, S., & Sewabu, K. (2014). Maximising Rugby-generated Remittances to Promote Economic and Human Development. ( Report No. 3). Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Richardson, S., Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, RR.(2013). Sport as a Vehicle for Development: Rugby League in Papua New Guinea and Fiji.. Wellington
[Technical Report]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, RR. (2012). Review of the Vodafone Warriors League in Libraries Programme..
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, RR. (2011). Exploring Corporate Social Responsibility and Sport Related Community Development Programmes: Case Study of the NRL Vodafone Warriors One Community Programme.. ( Report No. 1). NRL.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, R., & Dogimab, M. (2011). Sport as a Vehicle for Development: Rugby League in Papua New Guinea and Fiji. (Report peer reviewed) Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Overseas Aid Division.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers Rochelle, ., Scheyvens, R., & Fairbairn-Dunlop, TP. (2010). Being a single mum: Pacific Island mothers' positive experiences of parenting. ( Report No. 34/10). (Report peer reviewed) New Zealand Families Commission.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, RR.(2008). Pacific Islanders and Community Services: Social Impact Assessment.. (Report No. 1). Brisbane, Queensland: (Report peer reviewed) MultiLink
[Technical Report]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.


Stewart-Withers, R., & Hapeta, J.Our game by our rules: Bringing an Indigenous perspective to the Sport-for- Development and Peace (SDP) field.. . Southampton
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, R.Roundtable: Embedding Teaching and Learning into Australia and New Zealand’s International Development Community of Practice.. . Melbourne
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, R., & Hapeta, J.Session Chair: Sport-for- Development (SFD) Field.. . Palmerston North
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Forde, S., Giles, A., Hapeta, J., Hayhurst, L., Henhawk, D., Rynne, S., . . . Stewart-Withers, R.Historic and modern understandings of sport, development, and (re)conciliation in settler-colonial societies.. . Palmerston North
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, R., & Hapeta, J.Mauri Mahi; Mauri Ora – Measuring Success Indigenous Understandings of M&amp;E in SFD.. . Palmerston North
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, R.Session Chair: Responding to COVID-19 in the Pacific: Doing development differently.. . Palmerston North
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, R., & Hapeta, J.Sport tourism’s cross cutting contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals: Critical reflections on the 2015 New 12 Zealand All Black’s rugby event with Manu Samoa, in Samoa.. . Auckland
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Hapeta, J., & Stewart-Withers, R.E Tū Toa Rangatahi – hei tū he Rangatira: Rugby for Positive (Māori) Youth Development and (re)connecting with the environment.. . Rotorua
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Leslie, H., Banks, G., Scheyvens, R., Prinsen, G., & Stewart-Withers, R.Working towards values-based, ethically informed and practice-orientated pedagogy in development studies: what role can competencies play?. . Perth
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Raven, B., & Stewart-Withers, R.‘Walking the tightrope’- Pregnant women &amp; malnutrition in Aotearoa: How can we reframe the discussion?. . Rotorua
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Batten, L., & Stewart-Withers, R.A funny thing happened on the way to the ethics application: Avoiding routine ethics thinking to balance accountability and integrity.. . Townsville
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Hapeta, J., & Stewart-Withers, R.Finding our ‘Feat’ to find our way: Social change through an Educational provider’s and Māori and Pasifika Rugby Academy’s partnership. . Auckland
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Raven, B., & Stewart-Withers, R.Pregnant Women &amp; Malnutrition in Aotearoa: How the Sustainable development Goals 2 &amp; 5 Reframe the Current Discourse.. . Christchurch
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, R., Leslie, H., & Bell, S.Session Workshop: Teaching Development: Challenges and Responses.. . Christchurch
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Rogers, T., & Stewart-Withers, R.Disruption and renewal: Brothers influencing Sister’s development outcomes: Caring Masculinities. Session Workshop: A Politics of Critique and Hope: Towards a development that works.. . Christchurch
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, R.Convenor of panel - Disruptive Daughters: Using Critical Theory to Rethink Gender and Development.. . Christchurch
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, R., & Hapeta, J. (2019, January). Sport tourism’s cross cutting contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals: Critical reflections on the 2015 New Zealand All Black’s rugby event with Manu Samoa, in Samoa.. Presented at Tourism and SDGs Conference. Auckland, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, R.Convenor of panel - Disruptive Daughters: Using Critical Theory to rethink Gender and Development. . Christchurch, New Zealand
[Conference Other]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Bell, S., Stewart-Withers, R., & Leslie, H. (2018, December). Exploring Competencies in Development Studies Teaching: Session Workshop: Teaching Development: Challenges and Responses. Presented at Aotearoa New Zealand International Development Studies Network Conference. Christchurch, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, R., Leslie, H., & Bell, S. (2018, December). Disruption and renewal: Brothers influencing Sister’s development outcomes: Caring Masculinities. Session Workshop: A Politics of Critique and Hope: Towards a Development that Works. Presented at Aotearoa New Zealand International Development Studies Network Conference. Christchurch, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, R., & Raven, B. (2018, December). Pregnant Women & Malnutrition in Aotearoa: How the Sustainable development Goals 2 & 5 Reframe the Current Discourse. Presented at Aotearoa New Zealand International Development Studies Network Conference. Christchurch, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Leslie, H., Banks, G., Scheyvens, R., Prinsen, G., & Stewart-Withers, R. (2018). Working towards values-based, ethically informed and practice-orientated pedagogy in development studies: what role can competencies play?. , Pedagogy in Practice: How we teach in Development Studies Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Banks, G., Scheyvens, R., Stewart-Withers, R.
Raven, B., & Stewart-Withers, R. (2018). Walking the tightrope’- Pregnant women & malnutrition in Aotearoa: How can we reframe the discussion?. , The NZ College of Midwives Biennial Conference One Voice: Women and Midwives.
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Batten, L., & Stewart-Withers, R. (2018). 'A funny thing happened on the way to the ethics application'. Avoiding routine ethics thinking to balance accountability & integrity. , Australasian Ethics Network Conference 2018
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Hapeta, J., & Stewart-Withers, R. (2018). Finding our Feats to find our way: social and educational Youth Development at a Māori and Pasifika Rugby Academy. , New Zealand Association for Research in Education 2018 Annual Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
McLennan, SJ., & Stewart-Withers, . (2017, July). First do no harm: What fieldwork ethics can contribute to voluntourism practice. Presented at Connecting the Dots: International Conference on Tourism, Ethics and Global Citizenship. Apeldoorn, The Netherlands.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Adhikari, SK., Sims, R., Haslett, S., Murray, P., & Stewart-Withers, R. (2016). Domestic Biogas production and use in Nepal. Poster session presented at the meeting of Energy Systems Conference, QEII Centre, Westminster, London, UK.. London UK
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, RR. (2016). Rugby union driven migration as a means for sustainable livelihoods creation: A case study of iTaukei, indigenous Fijian. , 7th International Conference on Sport and Society
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, RR. (2016). Negotiated ethics: Using social and visual technology in newly post-conflict and/or fragile state fieldwork. , Australian Ethics Network Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, RR.Sports and Development in the Pacific: Invited Panel Speaker for Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade in the Pacific Futures Seminar. . Auckland, New Zealand
[Conference Other]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.Contributed to by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Adhikari, SK., Sims, R., Hasslett, S., Murray, P., & Stewart-Withers, R. (2016). Improving biogas production efficiency through co-digestion of cattle dung with crop residues: A case study in Nepal. 9th International Conference on Sensing Technology (ICST), 2015. (pp. 803 - 810). : International Conference on Sensing Technology
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Sewabu, K., Stewart-Withers, RR., & Richardson, S. (2014). Financial literacy and Pacific professional players: Valuing and making the most of sport generated remittances to the Pacific. , Paper presented at the Massey University 7th Annual Pasifika Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Richardson, S., Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, RR., & Everill, A.(2013, June 13). ‘Countering Hegemonic Masculinities: Rugby League as a Vehicle for Gender-based Violence and HIV/AIDS Prevention in Papua New Guinea’.. , 4th International Conference on Sport and Society
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Sewabu, K., Stewart-Withers, RR., & Richardson, S. (2013, November). ‘Exploring the Potential of Rugby as a Sustainable Livelihoods Choice for iTaukei, Indigenous Fijian’. Presented at Massey University Pasifika Conference. Palmerston North.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Richardson, S., & Stewart-Withers, RR. (2013). Unpacking the rugby dream: Rugby Union as a sustainable livelihoods option for iTaukei, indigenous Fijian. (pp. 45 - 45). , Sport Management Australian and New Zealand Association Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Richardson, S., Stewart-Withers, R.
Adhikari, SK., Sims, R., Murray, P., & Stewart-Withers, RR. (2013). Domestic Biogas Production and Use in Nepal.. Poster session presented at the meeting of New Zealand Climate Change Conference. Palmerston North
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, RR. (2012). Negotiating Mothering from a Distance: The Dynamics of (un)accompanied fieldwork. , Aotearoa New Zealand International Development Studies Network Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, RR., & Richardson, S. (2012). Rugby as sustainable livelihoods option for the Pacific: a case study of grassroots Fiji. (pp. 88 - 89). , Aotearoa New Zealand International Development Studies Network Conference.
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Richardson, S., Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, RR., Palmer, F., Morell, W J, ., Kesha, P., & Schulenkorf, N.(2010, December 1). Sport for Development Panel. , International Development Studies Network of Aotearoa/NZ, 'Making Development Sustainable: Connections, Learning, Commitment',(Abstract peer reviewed)
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, R.Being a Single Mum: Pacific Island Mothers Positive Experiences of Parenting. (pp. 1 - 12). : Families Commission Research Seminar
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, R., & Dogimab, M.(2010, December 1). Using the power of sport to address HIV/AIDs: Initiatives from PNG. , International Development Studies Network of Aotearoa/NZ, 'Making Development Sustainable: Connections, Learning, Commitment', (Abstract peer reviewed)
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, R.(2010, December 1). Sport as a driver of development: Challenges and opportunities for PNG. , International Development Studies Network of Aotearoa/NZ, 'Making Development Sustainable: Connections, Learning, Commitment', (Abstract peer reviewed)
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, R., & Scheyvens, R. (2009). Positive Representations and Expressions of Parenting by Single Mothers: A Pacific Island Perspective. , The Aiga/Famili/Kaiga/Magafaaoa/Anau Forum Wellington
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, R.(2008, December 3). Contesting the development category: Female-headed households examples from Samoa. , International Development Studies Network of Aotearoa/NZ, 'Peripheral Vision', (Abstract peer reviewed)
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, RR. (2008). Bridging the gap between health sciences and social sciences: The mental health workforce in humanitarian work.. In International Journal of Mental Health Nursing Vol. 17 (pp. A31 - A32). , Australia College of Mental Health Nursing COMMERCE PLACE, 350 MAIN ST, MALDEN 02148, MA USA:: WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, INC.
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, R., & Brook, M.(2008, December 3). Sports as a vehicle for development: The influence of rugby league in/on the Pacific. , International Development Studies Network of Aotearoa/NZ, 'Peripheral Vision'(Abstract peer reviewed)
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, RR.(2006, November 30). Social capital and suicide prevention: Ideas from the Pacific. , International Development Studies Network of Aotearoa/NZ, 'Southern Perspectives on Development: Dialogue or Division', (Abstract peer reviewed)
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, RR.(2006, November 30). Gender orthodoxies… Reframing the debate on female-headed households: The case of Samoa. , International Development Studies Network of Aotearoa/NZ, 'Southern Perspectives on Development: Dialogue or Division', (Abstract peer reviewed)
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, RR.(2006, January 27). Female-headed households in Samoa - The hegemony of orthodoxy contested. , Australian Association for the Advancement of Pacific Studies Conference.
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, RR., Hardy, DJ., & Boddy, JM.Using clinical indicators as a quality improvement tool for mental health nursing at MidCentral District Health Board Mental Health Services.. Poster session presented at the meeting of Asia Pacific Forum on Quality Improvement in Health Care. Auckland
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, RR.‘Suicide in Samoa’. . Sydney Australia
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, RR.‘Faataua le ola: Suicide prevention in Samoa’. . Sydney, Australia
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.


Movono, A., Hughes, E., Hapeta, J., Scheyvens, R., & Stewart-Withers, R. (2021). Indigenous scholars struggle to be heard in the mainstream. Here’s how journal editors and reviewers can help.. : The Conversation
[Internet publication]Authored by: Scheyvens, R., Stewart-Withers, R.
Corcoran, D., & Stewart-Withers, R. (2019). Leveraging the Samoan Mental Health Policy for Policy Development in Niue. In Institute of Development Studies Working Paper SeriesIn Massey University, Palmerston North.
[Working Paper]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, R. (2017). Ethics as a negotiated space: Valuing relationships and the opportunity for learning. Health Research Council
[Other]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, RR. (2017). Going for gold in the Pacific: The value of the Pacific Games goes beyond its price-tag..
[Other]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, RR., Richardson, R., & Sewabu, K. (2014, February). ‘Increasing the Value of Sports-generated Remittances into the Pacific’.. In Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade: Overseas Aid Division, Wellington..
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, RR., Sewabu, K., & Richardson, S. (2014, July). ‘Understanding the Value of Sport Generated Remittances into the Pacific: A Feasibility Study: Samoa, Tonga and Fiji’.. In Seminar Series Speaker, Institute of Development Studies, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand..
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Richardson, S., Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, RR., Richardson, S., & Sewabu, K. (2014, August). ‘Maximising Rugby-related Remittances to Promote Economic and Human Development’.. In Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade: Overseas Aid Division, Wellington..
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Richardson, S., Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, RR., Richardson, S., & Sewabu, K. (2014, November). Sport generated remittances into the Pacific: Understanding the complexities. In Paper presented at the Aotearoa New Zealand International Development Studies Network Conference..
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Richardson, S., Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, RR. (2013, August). Countering Hegemonic Masculinities: Rugby League as a Vehicle for Gender-based Violence and HIV/AIDS. In Prevention in Papua New Guinea’. Seminar Series Speaker, Institute of Development Studies, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand..
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, RR. (2012, October). ‘Exploring Corporate Social Responsibility and Sport Related Community Development Programmes: Case Study of NRL Vodafone Warriors One Community Programme’. In . Seminar Series Speaker, Institute of Development Studies, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand..
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, R. (2011). Sport as a Vehicle for International Development. Onepager. (pp. 1 - 2). Global Focus Aotearoa
[Other]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, RR. (2011, May). Surfs Up: Riding High on the Waves for Development: Stories from Fiji.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, R. (2010). Sport for development: Rugby League and Papua New Guinea (PNG). (pp. 13 - 14).
[Other]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, R. (2010, July). Intersecting sport and development in Papua New Guinea: Developing rugby league and rugby league for development. In Institute of Development Studies Seminar Series, Massey University, Palmerston North.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, R. (2010, August). Sport as a vehicle for development: Pacific viewpoint. In Town and the Tower Lecture Series: Community Lecture Series from Massey, Palmerston North.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, R., & Brook, M. (2009, March). Sport as a vehicle for development: The influence of rugby league in/on the Pacific. In Institute of Development Studies Seminar Series, Massey University, Palmerston North.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.
Stewart-Withers, RR. (2003, June). ‘Nurses: Fighting AIDS stigma, caring for all’.. In Invited Speaker for International Nurses’ Day: International Council of Nursing (ICN) MidCentral Health DHB.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Stewart-Withers, R.

Consultancy and Languages


  • 2014-2015 - NZ Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade: International Development Group
    Increasing the value of sports-generated remittances into the Pacific
  • 2010-2013 - NRL Vodafone Warriors
    Exploring Corporate Social Responsibility and Community Development Programmes: Case Study of the NRL Vodafone Warriors One Community Programme.
  • 2009-2011 - NZ Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade: International Development Group
    Sport as a Vehicle for Development: Rugby League in Papua New Guinea and Fiji.
  • 2008-2009 - NZ Families Commission
    Being a Single Mum: Pacific Island Mothers’ Positive Experiences of Parenting.
  • 2008 - Multilink Community Services Inc, Brisbane, Austra
    Pacific Islanders and Community Services: Social Impact Assessment.


  • English
    Last used: Daily
    Spoken ability: Excellent
    Written ability: Excellent
  • Te reo Māori
    Last used: Daily
    Spoken ability: Needs work
    Written ability: Needs work

Teaching and Supervision

Teaching Statement

  • Introduction to Development
  • Feminist, Indigenous and Post-Development theory
  • Gender and Development
  • Sport-for-Development and sport for social change
  • Methodology and ethics

Summary of Doctoral Supervision

Position Current Completed
Main Supervisor 4 6
Co-supervisor 3 5

Current Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • Aorangi Kora - Doctor of Philosophy
    Te mana o te wahine - Exploring Māori women's experiences of leadership and online misogyny.
  • Tania Bailey - Doctor of Philosophy
    Are we culturally safe yet? the regulation and responsibility of Nurses
  • Jamie Ogilvy - Doctor of Philosophy
    Em-Power Lifting – Weightlifting as a vehicle for strengthening Mana Wahine values akin to wellbeing: Case study in Aotearoa.
  • Patricia Bibi - Doctor of Philosophy
    Indigenous understandings of Sport for Development - A case study of Fiji

Co-supervisor of:

  • Yunhan Zhu - Doctor of Philosophy
    Tripartite Cooperation (PR China, EU, African States) In Education and Health Services in Fragile Contexts
  • Jolene Wescombe - Doctor of Philosophy
    Midwives as agents of change? Exploring empowerment within midwifery in Ethiopia
  • Vanessa Bramwell - Doctor of Philosophy
    Child protection in armed conflict: Norm transfer in the UN

Completed Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • 2021 - Michelle Greene - Doctor of Philosophy
    Physical Education (PE) as a pathway to empowerment of young people in Rarotonga, Cook Islands.
  • 2019 - Maatusi Vaoiva - Doctor of Philosophy
    Lupe Fa′alele: Releasing the Doves: Factors affecting the successful operation of Samoan Businesses in New Zealand
  • 2018 - Sharon Bell - Doctor of Philosophy
    Health justice for all: The development of alternative health system capabilities in the conflict-affected context of Shan State, Myanmar
  • 2017 - Aruneewan Buaniaw - Doctor of Philosophy
    A case study of mental health communication programme delivery during mass violence in southern Thailand, 2004-2014
  • 2017 - Dorcas Shumba - Doctor of Philosophy
    The Gender Dimensions of Environmental Change: An Exploration of the Experiences and Perceptions of Rural Men and Women in Zimbabwe
  • 2016 - Paul Beumelburg - Doctor of Philosophy
    Apiianga no te oraanga akapuapinga e te taporoporo i te ipukarea: Education as Sustainable Development: Mangaia, Cook Islands.

Co-supervisor of:

  • 2021 - Akisi Ravono - Doctor of Philosophy
    Nursing care for people living with diabetes and associated conditionsi: an iTaukei community context
  • 2019 - Virginia Adams - Doctor of Philosophy
    In what ways and to what extent is the global oil and gas industry able to deliver enduring empowerment outcomes for women in Asia-Pacific? A case study exploring the employment and skills development of Timorese women on Timor Sea offshore facilities.
  • 2017 - Dean Stronge - Doctor of Philosophy
    Invasive Alien Species: A Threat to Sustainable Livelihoods in the Pacific? An Assessment of the Effects of Wasmannia auropunctata (little fire ant) and Achatina fulica (giant African snail) on Rural Livelihoods in the Solomon Islands
  • 2016 - Dora Kuir-Ayius - Doctor of Philosophy
    Building Community Resilience In Mine Impacted Communities: A Study on Delivery of Health Services In Papua New Guinea
  • 2016 - Shanti Subedi - Doctor of Philosophy
    Domestic Biogas Production and Use in Nepal: A Simple, Reliable and Cost-Effective Solution to Provide Energy Security to the Rural Households

Media and Links


  • 21 Jun 2018 - Online, Other
    Politics and Psychology Researchers Awarded
  • 13 Nov 2020 - Other, Online
    Pandemic, Pasifika health and asthma research
    Pandemic, Pasifika health and asthma research among Massey’s successes
  • 11 Mar 2019 - Newspaper
    Brawn Drain Guts Pacific.
  • 11 Mar 2019 - Newspaper
    Opinion Piece
    Pacific rugby facing uncertain future with brawn drain likely to accelerate.
  • 10 Mar 2019 - Online
    MasseyHumSocSci tweeted at 3:04PM on 10 March 2019
    MasseyHumSocSci tweeted at 3:04 PM on 10 March 2019: Pacific rugby faces uncertain future with brawn drain likely to accelerate. What about the human face of rugby for our Pacific neighbours? Ask Dr R
  • 01 Jan 2020 - Online
    Marsden Fund Highlights Royal Society
    2020 Marsden Fund Highlights Royal Society - Bringing Indigenous Perspectives to the Sport for Development field
  • 01 Jan 2019 - Newspaper, Online
    Pacific Rugby Facing Uncertain Future
    Stuff NZ -
  • 01 Jan 2016 - Newspaper
    Rugby: Fiji Funding Will Change Game
    NZ Herald -
  • 01 Jan 2016 - Online
    PIPA and Fijian Rugby Team Up for $650K Fund
    Stuff NZ -
  • 01 Jan 2015 - Online
    Research Explores Winning Off Rugby Field Samoa
    Profiled by Massey Media -
  • 01 Jan 2015 - Other
    Tweet: William Glenwright GM Asian/Oceania Rugby
    William Glenwright (@WillGlenwright) tweeted: This is a fantastic outcome for the players of @fijirugby and @oceaniarugby A great example of collaboration -
  • 01 Jan 2015 - Newspaper
    Research Explores Winning Off The Field
    Pacific Scoop -
  • 01 Jan 2015 - Newspaper, Online
    Sport Bringing Economic Gains for Pacific
    Manawatu Standard - Stuff NZ-
  • 01 Jan 2015 - Radio
    Concerns over Exploitation of Pacific Athletes
    ABC, Pacific Beat -
  • 01 Jan 2015 - Radio
    Pacific Athletes Send $US14m Home Yearly
    Radio NZ, Checkpoint and Midday -$us14m-home-every-year
  • 01 Jan 2015 - Radio
    Sport Brings Economic Gains Pasifika Communities
    Radio NZ’s Checkpoint and Midday Report
  • 01 Jan 2013 - Magazine
    Helping Hand
    Mindfood Magazine -
  • 01 Jan 2012 - Radio
    Researcher Believes Sport for Pacific Developement
    Radio NZ – Researcher Believes Sport a Vehicle for Pacific Development
  • 01 Jan 2011 - Online
    Research into Warriors off Pitch Contribution
    External Relations Massey -
  • 01 Jan 2010 - Newspaper
    Research: Rugby League Address National Goals
    Post-courier: National Newspaper PNG : Research begins: Can Rugby League Address National Goals
  • 01 Jan 2010 - Online
    Sport as a Vehicle for Pacific Development
    External Relations Massey -